2014 Czech Nationals crowd
2014 Czech Nationals trophies
Myself with Gert Vandermissen at the 2014 Czech Nationals
Judge critiquing at the 2014 Czech Nationals
Gert Vandermissen at the 2014 Nationals
Philip Sergent at the 2014 Czech Nationals
2014 Czech Nationals trophies
2014 Czech Nationals top 3 winners
2014 Czech Nationals top 3 winners
Extreme Orex Aykmar on the podium in the 2014 Czech Nationals
Myself and GAPPY owner Jirka Tichy at the 2014 Czech Nationals
Myself and the tracking judge Mirka Flamichova (Ticha) at the 2014 Czech Nationals
Myself and the Winner of the 2014 Czech Nationals Marek Cerny and Extreme Orex Aykmar
Myself and protection judge Jozef Adamuščin at the 2014 Czech Nationals